United Kingdom Chapter
BTW-UK Trikers is a NEUTRAL trike association and a family for trikers. Its purpose is to unite trikers and help provide them with information they need concerning trikes and triking. Membership is open to anyone interested in trikes or triking. You don't even have to own a Trike.

To Join, select Membership or Click here to download the BTW-UK Trikers Info Pack
To view the BTW-UK Trikers chapter Bylaws and new members Guidlines, select

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BTW-UK Trikers Area Map.
Area 1 (Devon& Cornwall): Mark : 07516673800: email: markhelson69@gmail.com 1st Saturday of the month. 12:00. At The  Abbots way bar & grill, Southway drive, Plymouth PL6 6QW Area 2 : Jon Horwood : 07831452313 Email  jonhorwood@hotmail.co.uk: Area 4 : ( Norfolk ) : Kev Muffett  07413699444  kevinmuffett1961@gmail.com Area 5:( Merseyside, Cheshire, North Wales) position vacant Area 6: (Leicestershire/Nottinghamshire) Sharon & Paul Hayes, 07767700951,  paulhayes951@gmail.com Area7: Tracy & Ian West (Lincolnshire) Tel: 07375 144250 Email: ian-lancaster617@hotmail.co.uk, Area 8: Jenny ShawTel: 07752366955 Email: jenny.shaw@live.co.uk 1st Thursday each month 19.00 The River Wyre, Breck Road, Poulton-Le-Fylde,  FY6 7JZ Area 3 : (Suffolk) Gerry Henderson, 07586918724, craigh2108@yahoo.co.uk Area 10: Ron Arkley 07460 405 297 Area 11: (Essex):Dodge Radford: 07396311482: djradford60@outlook.com Area 12 (Herefordshire) Nigel: Mobile: 07476376806 E-Mail: GILBOY.N@GOOGLEMAIL.COM see info pack for further details Area 14: (South & East Wales) Mike Rutland: area14RC@gmail.com: 07703 599 920 Area 15: (West Wales) Position vacant Area 16: (Stafordshire)Andy & Andrea Bish: Tel 07788101493/ 07767134594 Email: bishandrew9@aol.com Area 17: Area 18: Budge(cambridgeshire) Mobile: 07704859103 Home: 01223 426744 Email: budgie2008@icloud.com Area 19 (Gloustershire) Position Vacant Area22: Position Vacant Area23: (Berkshire/Hampshire) John Hope, 07767700951,  Johnh5010@googlemail.com Area24: Position Vacant Area 25: Temporary RC: Craig Corgi Corfield: Tel: 07929555889 Email: corkie1963@live.co.uk Area 26: Grizzley: Tel:07715417948 Email: bhtwgrizz@outlook.com Area 27 (Northern Ireland) Henry Hawk Lee Email  henryleedublin@gmail.com Craig Corfield, corkie1963@live.co.uk, 07929555889 Area 29, Graeme' Owens,  07851 568 605, fragrantgifts1@aol.com

For further details, click on an area


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Business such as Engineering and other risks, Café's, Restaurants etc), and Unoccupied / Let Properties


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